St. Matthew’s Livestream Service – 16 June 2024

00:00 | Welcome and Introduction
00:05 | Hymn: Christ is Made the Sure Foundation
04:30 | Opening remarks
05:10 | Acknowledgments and prayer for peace
06:02 | Confession and preparation
08:05 | Kyrie Eleison
09:05 | Gloria
09:12 | Prayers for peace
10:01 | First reading from Ezekiel
11:28 | Psalm 92
13:22 | Second reading from 2 Corinthians
15:47 | Gospel Acclamation
17:17 | Gospel reading from Mark
18:39 | Homily
42:01 | Hymn: We Plough the Fields and Scatter
45:32 | Offering and blessing of gifts
46:18 | Communion preparation
48:05 | Sanctus
48:50 | Eucharistic Prayer
50:04 | The Mystery of Faith
51:06 | The Lord’s Prayer
51:32 | Breaking of the bread
52:08 | Holy Communion
58:52 | Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
59:53 | Closing prayer and blessing
01:00:24 | Notices and announcements
01:02:10 | Children’s Church acknowledgment
01:02:53 | Digital organ stop announcement
01:04:00 | Final hymn: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
01:07:58 | Blessing and farewell
01:09:54 | Postlude music

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